The Kenya Film Commission launched the first ever Film Industry Satellite Account (FISA), in the month of November 2023, that brought together film industry experts, government policy makers and donor organizations. To establish the film industry’s direct contribution to GDP, required development of a satellite account. A satellite account allows for flexibility in the rearrangement of classification of economic activities. Kenya’s first Film Industry Satellite Account is a collaborative effort of the Kenya Film Commission (KFC), the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and also major Film Associations like Filmmakers in Kenya Association (FIKA), Kenyan Film and Television Professionals Association (KFTPA) and others, made a major contribution during the research. FISA represents a pioneering effort to comprehensively assess and quantify the economic contribution of the Film industry to Kenya’s economy. FISA will estimate the revenue/output/turnover generated in the Film industry; value addition – Gross Value added in the Film industry; level of investment in the Film industry, i.e., gross capital formation/fixed assets; wage employment and type of jobs generated by the Film industry in Kenya, and earnings of those employed in the Film industry. The Kenya film industry has great potential to stimulate economic growth through infrastructural development, tourism, investment, employment creation and other areas. The industry broadly comprises two intimately linked components: the Production industry, which produces content for both film and television viewing, and the Distribution side, which comprises businesses that sell and supply produced film content to cinemas, television broadcasters, rental, retail and/or online outlets. Other components of the film industry are the technological and commercial institutions of filmmaking such as film companies, film studios, cinematography, animation, film production, screenwriting, pre-production, post-production, film festivals, distribution, directors, actors and other film crew personnel. Kenya’s Film industry has continued to witness rapid growth owing to the liberalization of the media environment. Whilst its significance in the economy is believed to be high, clarity with respect to what constitutes the industry in terms of value addition, trade, investment, and employment is lacking. Unlike other economic activities, Film is not clearly defined as an industry but rather, an amalgamation of various industries. As a result, the industry’s direct contribution to Kenya’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is not measured.  You can download the comprehensive report Click here 

Article derived from  KFC's official website.


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